Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Surprise Post from Will and Daddy

Surprise Mommy! I hacked into your lovey world of blogs. I had to see what all this bloggy world had to offer. I even checked out some of your friends you have on here, like The McMommy Chronicles, Sgt and Mrs Hub, and even Lifelong Playdate.

(Daddy in the background): Will, what are you doing?

Will: I'm doing what Mommy does all day long?

(Daddy walking over to computer): And that would be?

Will: Blogging of course!

Daddy: So, this is what she does when I'm at work?

Will: No, she does a lot more, but she spends most of her time doing this.

Daddy: I see, well, lets let Mommy know how much we love and appreciate everything she does, even if she spends hours on the computer.

Will and Daddy: We Love you Mommy!!

Will: Let's go check out the cars daddy!

Daddy: Now your talking..


Megan said...

Oh, he's adorable! Future blogger in the making.

A Crafty Mom said...

OMG, I'm laughing my head off!! Way to go Will and daddy - but beware of the blogging world, it is very addictive :-)

McMommy said...

Dear Will and Daddy,

Admit it, when you visited the McMommy Chronicles, you realized "Ohhhh!!! NOW I CAN SEE why mommy is on the computer so much! McMommy is so funny and witty and smart....even though she has a goiter."


I kid, I kid.

I think Will and Daddy should guest post more often. They were funny!!

McMommy said...

I'm so happy you chose this post for POW!!

happy weekend, friend!