Sunday, December 7, 2008

A post about nothing...

It is Sunday in the afternoon. Will is sleeping. I now have time to blog. I used to be so good at this blogging thing when I had more time. But lately I do not.

Some things that have happened in the last couple of days...

Will has taken a couple of steps unassisted. We were so excited! Of course I had the mommy tears.

Will is fascinated and loves to watch Blues Clues. Frankly we prefer Steve over Joe. Sorry Joe.

Will fell asleep in daddy's arms today watching Baby Einstein.

Will fell asleep on Friday night at 6:15 in my arms while I rocked him. I felt like I had a 3 month old baby in my arms.

Beginning to believe that Will is working on some more teeth. He is sucking on his hand so bad that he has left a little cut. Plus the drool is pouring out. Do any of you know is a strong urine a sign of teething? That is what his sitter said. I looked it up online and they say that it can be. Definitely not a urinary tract, he has been normal as can be and no fever.

Looks like we might be going to Chicago for Xmas so Will can see his Grandma. Might be the first white Xmas I can remember. Let's cross our fingers.

Will loves pat a cake. He claps his hands and gets so excited. When he hears a song he likes he will even start to clap. Such a cutie.

Think we have another pasta lover in the house. Will. He loves it!

He holds his own sippy cup.

We showed him his bottle which he gave up for his sippy cup at 7 months. He had no clue what to do with it. Like it was some foreign object we were putting in front of him.

Going to make homemade granola for some friends for the holidays. Will also make some cookies...just don't know when.

Have some Thanksgiving pics that I need to stick up. I will. Hopefully soon we will pay a visit to Santa. Hope Will likes him.

Happy Sunday....Oh...Lew says, "Go Bears!" Gotta love your hubby.


amanda said...

congrats on the first steps!!

soon he will be running :)

Clare said...

that is so exciting that he took his first steps...he will be running all over the place before you know it!! love to see all of the little things he is doing. he is growing up fast:)

A Crafty Mom said...

Yay for first steps and sippy cups!! Go Will!!

Anonymous said...

poor Jenny.

you seem TIRED.

i'M thinking of you today....and lovin the way you're documenting every moment!!!