Monday, September 24, 2012


I have been meaning to post these for about the last two weeks but just have been too busy!  My life in a nutshell...Train clients, take Will to school, workout, chase after an almost 1 year old who thinks he is turning 2, pick up from school, run errands, make dinner, possibly train again, throw in a walk and some outside fun, then dinner in there somewhere.  

Not only is it exhausting for me, but for my Willsy too.  He has been sleeping so soundly, and late I might add.  He loves school, never wants to be picked up at the end of the day.  Today he told me that a girl wanted to marry him but he said no because he is just a boy.  Then he said he didn't like girls, but he loved me.  Can we keep it that way?  Forever?

Lew just had an interview last week, keep your fingers crossed for him.  We are quite anxious at this point and really hoping to be moved before the holidays start to hit.  Who knew and transfer could take this long!

My sweet Willsy on his first day of Pre K!


Anonymous said...

Aww love those first few days of school pictures!! His smile makes me smile :-)

amanda said...

soooo exhausting!!!

hope lew finds out good news soon!!

Barbara said...

I hope you hear some good news soon! Those pictures are too adorable.

Natalie said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for Lew! And hope time slows down for you!

Amanda said...

I am so glad that he's loving Pre-k! That's fantastic that he's smiley and doesn't want to leave. I'll keep my fingers crossed on some good news for ya though!