I have been meaning to write about this for a while. Not only for personal reference, but to see how far we have come.
It's about my littlest dude, Eli. The one that we tried to conceive for over a year, the one we found out about on Valentine's Day, the one that melts our hearts with his smile.
He's wordless. He does talk, but in his own language. Lots of sounds that you can't make out. Believe me, he is loud and fiercely independent. Only says, "dadadada", to hear himself. Only says, "maaaa" when he needs my attention RIGHT now. Makes the sound of his favorite thing in the whole world, "choo choo". Just recently said. "ishy" for fish when we were at the store and wanted to see the fish. Sometimes we will get, "Z" for big brother Willsy.
He communicates in his own way, taking our hand to what he needs or wants. Opens the pantry to show us what he would like from there. Goes to the fridge to let us know he wants milk. He is very consistent with these tendencies and I'm glad for that. Hence his fiercely independent nature.
We noticed his delay, when he stopped saying the words he had already picked up, like mama, dada, einstein, and bites. At his 18 month check up, we discussed this and decided that we should look into getting speech therapy for him. It took a while to get everything set up, but Eli is now getting therapy three times a week. He sees a speech, developmental, and an occupational therapist for an hour each week. I will say that there has been a definite improvement developmentally and emotionally. He loves to be held by us, get tight bear hugs, and loves to give brother hugs. Although, the speech is a slow process, you can see him trying. He does not like to sign, so I have pretty much given up on that. I try to get him to talk more when he is wanting something from me. Usually that means that I do not respond to his initial request right away, and he gives in and grunts, mama.
I am not going to lie or sugar coat this, like my heart has been trying to do. Autism has been brought up by the pediatrician and shot down by the occupational therapist. She doesn't believe he is on the spectrum. He emotionally connected with her, gives her great eye contact and was engaged. Autistic children tend to be in their own world and want things there way. Routine. Eli does have some "autistic" tendencies like tip toe walking, walking on surface that feel "different", loves routine, and sensory seeking. All his therapists at this point think he has a severe sensory disorder which has caused most of his delays.
I am doing anything and everything I can to assist him on this "adventure". I have made him a weighted blanket, which helps sensory seekers focus more. Also, thinking about starting a little weighted blanket business to help little ones. (More on that later.) We do a drop in play at our rec center to get all the wiggles out. Rock, run, jump on couch cushions and our new trampoline. All in hopes that we will get some words out of our little guy.
My heart is heavy most days. By the end of the day, I'm exhausted. Eli is a challenge. But, I wouldn't trade him for anything in the whole world. He is my little love bug, who gives me a smooch when I put him to bed. His smile brightens up your day. And when he runs to you after you have been gone, there is nothing like it. I am bound and determined to help him through this. This is our journey.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Holy Batman...We're Back!
Time to dust off the blog. Wow! Did not think the last time I was on here was July. Life happens, and blogging takes a back burner.
Instead of trying to fill in 2 months worth of stuff, I will just start off with the Will's first day of school. He started August 20th, on a hot summer day with both his mom and dad there to see him off. His teacher is amazing, a veteran and it is exactly what Will needs. He has done so well adjusting to full day kindergarten, but boy do I miss him! He also has brought home a couple colds and a stomach flu. No fun. Hoping all those germs are building his little immune system.
Will sits next to girls, which has been a blessing. He now loves to color and is very meticulous when it comes to doing his homework. I think those girls have motivated him and I like it!
Of course I can't leave my littlest dude out. He started speech therapy this week. He is going to have his hearing tested in two weeks and I am trying my hardest to come up with things that he enjoys. He loves trains and cars and makes the sound of them all the time. Good thing we live near the train station, which we try and go by everyday. My little guy has had me so worried, that every spare minute I have, I want to spend nurturing and loving on him.
So...this is not the last of us. We will be back, I promise.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Strawberry Kinda Day...
Last week we ventured out to a local strawberry farm, right after Will's swim class. He was thrilled even though, he is not a huge fan of strawberries. I guess that act of picking them is just as exciting.
It was about a 10 minute car ride, out into the country. We are lucky enough to be surrounded by tons of farms, but still have modern conveniences that we love. Super Target is not as close, as we would like, but who doesn't love seeing goats on your way there?
It was a perfect day to be out in the strawberry fields, sunny with a cool breeze, and a little boy ready to pick.
Enjoying a homemade donut after all the strawberry picking...
A strawberry mess and a cheesy smile...
Loving his apple cider donut...so yummy!
Sweet baby boy...love him!
Hooray for donuts!
Willsy getting in there and finding some strawberries for mommy and Eli...love love
It was a great morning spent with the boys. I was so proud of myself for venturing out in our new town, by myself. It's the little things that make it all worth while.
Let the puppy countdown begin, Saturday we are picking up our new addition! I cannot wait!
Happy Wednesday...off to the pool we go!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Trip and More...
Another wonderful trip back home, or shall I say Virginia is in the books. Home is where your heart is, and that is wherever my guys are.
We crammed so much in. Sister birthday, a random Grease movie sing-a-long at an amazing venue, shopping at our favorite stores, the pool, other sister's bbq, visit with my pape, a mini vaca to great wolf lodge in williamsburg, and new flowers to my mom's grave.
Before we left, Will got sick with a bad cold and Eli caught it while we were there. Thankfully my sister's pediatrician was able to give us the okay to fly home. Two hour flight delay, some advil, and m&m's and we finally made it home to Daddy on Tuesday. It was a whirl wind, but so worth it.
My brave Willsy going down the big kid water slide, totally proud mom moment. Might have shed a tear. T-Ball prep and we have a pretty good hitter on our hands. Dino camp, bike rides on some amazing trails and tears after landing in Virginia. Being sick and flying, no bueno. Before take off trying to get a snap shot for daddy.
Little man Eli all sweaty after running around the park, while big brother is at t-ball. 2 hour delay = one sleepy and sick baby. I carried, a 30 lb. baby, a shark back pack and a diaper bag on after our second attempt at going home. Blue blanket hiding. Sleepy baby after a 4 mile hike. More blue blanket and binki love. We have done good on the binki and reduced to only bedtimes! Yeah. Water baby loves his water table and could stay out there forever. Mommy/baby selfie at t-ball. Big boy going down the water slide. He actually went down bigger ones, but I had to be right there to catch him. Brave little one year old! He loves the water and slides.
Sister selfies. Baby boys making their own indoor jump zone. Bike ride through a field of daisies. Pretty awesome. The family on a morning ride. More water table fun. Grease sing-a-long fun with sister/bestie. The quilt that has kept me busy for the last month and half. For my sister's birthday. She loved! This was my first sewing project, and a very daunting one! More Grease fun, who doesn't put a brown bag on their head?
I can't believe July is next week and that we have been here for almost 9 months. I'm still trying to find my groove, I joined a mom's group that is a town over. But, I haven't ventured to it yet. It just seems so weird going to a random group. I wish I had friends out here, I guess with time it will happen.
Puppy is coming here July 13th! We are so so so excited! We are going to name her Hartley Grace. We got to see them a couple weeks ago, and they were so tiny and cute! Can't wait to have her here. Daddy will be taking time off in the middle of July, thank goodness. Will is getting checked out for a possible milk allergy. All of a sudden, he seems to be not tolerating it well. Keep your fingers crossed. Then my sweet baby Eli, has kind of slowed down in the talking department. He says mama and dada but, and a couple other words, so he is in the process of getting some extra help. Gross motor wise, the kid is crazy. Flips, climbs, runs, goes down big boy slides, acts like a big boy and gives me a heart attack! Thankfully he hasn't tried to climb out of his crib, yet.
Hoping I can be a better blogger and stay somewhat up to date. It's hard playing catch up!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
reasons you make the day brighter...
Gloomy days, followed by rain, some sunshine and unseasonable low temperatures, even for Chicago, has us well me in the dumps lately. Thankfully sunny days are ahead and Lew is on vacation for a week. Just us chilling out as a family. Can't wait. 7 year anniversary coming up, father's day, and we are headed to VA for my sister's birthday. Buck up girly, your days are getting brighter.
What makes it all better? Splashing in the sink with bubbles. Seeing a one year old's cheesy grin as he giggles away. Trying ice cream sandwiches for the very first time and throwing in the towel a couple bites in because it's just too cold. A morning run with the littlest dude because he is always up. Playing in the train drawer just to be that much closer to your toys. And of course sitting in Mommy's rocking chair, watching a movie.
Going on a pajama walk with the hottest part of the day is at 6:30 pm. Creating a dino sailboat, that will of course take us to dino island. Adorned with stickers and all. Showing off an amazing dino collection, and making a video about all the dinos names and what they do. Totally awesome. My little paleontologist. Snuggles and sleeping with daddy after a long day of bike riding and enjoying one of those sunshiny days. Sending Pape a picture of his grandson, who loves to see underwater in the bath. Melts my heart. And just because, curly mess of hair on mommy, not sure where the curls came from. Banana ice cream. Yes. Banana chocolate ice cream. So delicious and all natural. Yummy.
Off to get productive on that birthday quilt I am making for my sister's birthday. Hope I can finish on time! Happy weekending friends.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Blueberry & Banana Muffins
Lately I have been on a bit of eating clean kick. Partly because I was feeling run down and exhausted by 5 pm. Could be the fact that I have been getting up with a teething 18 month old, at the butt crack of dawn. Taking care of two rambunctious boys, continuing with Will's school work (last week-thank goodness), and doing my thing. It totally has taken a toll on my body. So..I am focusing on me more. Squeezing it in when I can, no MATTER what. Hopefully adding yoga, along with my regular exercise routine will help when the boys are driving me crazy.
I have been pinning a lot of recipes, but this one just happens to be one of my favorites so far. Super easy too. All you need is a blender! So..into the blender in this order. Pre heat oven to 350 degrees and line with foil liners. Must be foil or else muffins will stick.
1. 2 1/2 cups of oats blended into a flour before adding other ingredients 2. Add 1 cup vanilla greek yogurt, 2 very ripe bananas, 2 eggs, 1/4 honey, 1/4 cup of coconut oil-melted (trader joe's or whole foods), 2 tsp of baking powder, 1 tsp of baking soda, 1 tsp of vanilla bean or real vanilla extract. Then blend.
Note...you will have to mix a little to get it going and you want to make sure all the oats at the bottom get incorporated. Once all is blended, use an ice cream scooper and scoop one spoonful into each muffin liner. It should take between 12-15 minutes depending on your oven.
They are super moist and totally yummy! I store mine in the fridge, just to keep them extra fresh. Give them a shot and tell me what you think. Clean eating doesn't have to taste like card board, believe me because I have a major sweet tooth.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
spring is here...almost
Feels like I am always playing catch up, but I guess that is the life of a parent. We've been busy trying to bring on spring here. Chicago is completely different from Annapolis. By now in MD it would be hot and humid, flowers all in bloom. Here things just started blooming, and it's only 55 today! Crazy.
We planted flowers, raspberry and blueberry bushes. So far, the raspberry bush is doing wonderful but the blueberry is lacking. Probably because the temps.
Will is signed up for camp and swim lessons, we are signed up at our pool. Unfortunately, it's a little too cold to go. Never thought I would say that.
We have trips coming up and a new addition coming to our family! No, not a baby. I have my hands full with two boys! We are going to get a puppy! I am so excited. I keep telling Lew, that being here will finally feel like home, once we have a puppy. He just laughed. We are going to get a Rottweiler again. We just love the breed and it's all about how you raise them. Our Ella was amazing, such a sweet girl who loved the boys and was such a great protector. Plus, I get to name her. I am thinking Hartley Grace.
As for the trips, the boys and I are going to VA for my sister's birthday in June. Then in July we are headed to Door County, Wisconsin. Lew grew up going there in the summers, and it is something that we want the boys to experience. So...we are going to be busy!
1.boys at daddy's favorite restaurant on my mom's birthday. 2.wondering if I look like my mom. 3.someone is not too fond of his bike helmet, safety first, buddy. 4.getting into mischief and getting so big. 5. a little luigi's mansion with daddy. 6.getting good at writing his abc's. 7. sunny day wagon ride 8. oreo cookie mistake? nope. 9. bike ride with the boys, hoping willsy is brave enough to lose the training wheels this summer.
1.baby boy loves the slide! 2.evening walk with some bubble fun 3. slide racing, he won. 4.dare devil running down the hill, yes he did end up face first, but got up smiling. 5.chasing big brother=one tired baby 6.hill rolling and of course getting all itchy. 7.boys play dress up too, just in cute puppy dog forms 8.who can make it to mommy the quickest? 9.after dinner binki walk, the only one to do it.
Happy weekend friends!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Meaning of a Mom...
1. Loves you the moment she finds out about you
2. Dreams of your future when she feels you kick from inside
3. Knows what kind of child you will be by how active you are in her womb
4. Is the first one who gets to hold you close to her heart
5. Feeds and nurtures you from the very beginning
6. Takes care and snuggles with you when you get the sickies
7. Tucks you in at night, even if you are in high school
8. Is proud of every accomplishment, small and big
9. Shares her dessert with you, even though she was hiding it from all her kids
10. Scratches your arm while watching Thorn Birds
11. Gives the best advice, even if it doesn't sink in right away
12. Makes the best tacos and frozen pepsi's
13. Takes you on adventure you will never forget
14. Works hard and still manages to keep it all together
15. Helps with homework, even after a 12 hour work day
16. Makes you laugh when she says, Ni-Ten-Do
17. When you know what a wonderful daughter she is
18. Teaches you how to drive and tells you it's okay, we won't tell dad you almost took of the mirror
19. Calls you Boogie, because you are her very last baby
20. Teaches you that you love with your whole heart and do it, unconditionally
And Happy Mother's Day to all my bloggy mom friends. Hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with all things beautiful.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Ft. Myers 2013
Trying to get back into the groove of every day life after an amazing trip is no easy task! But, we are slowly getting there. Unpacked, clothes washed, and beach pictures ordered. If I didn't do it the second we got home, it would never get done.
Willsy of course, is my water baby through and through. He loves the beach, pool and fishing with daddy. He also wanted to save every piece of marine life he saw. Sand crabs, Hermit crabs, Star fish, Sand Dollars and the little shiners daddy would use as bait. He would pick it up and put it back in the ocean. Because it needed the water. Totally melted my heart. The only fish that was eaten, was a sea trout. The boys catch and release everything. I asked Willsy if he was going to become a marine biologist and he told me he still wants to be a paleontologist, so he can dig up dino bones.
*One of many star fishes saved by willsy, love that smile, and the only catch that was eaten
*Mommy and Willsy having some time together on the beach, making silly faces
*Another star fish saved, making peace with the trout, and getting close
Baby boy Eli was not as fond of the beach/water. He loved it the first day, then quickly changed his mind. If you went in the ocean, he wanted to be held. If you let him go on the beach, he would run everywhere! Needless to say, when he was on the beach, we were always on the move. He did like the pool but would go from the pool to dipping his feet into the hot tub. At one point, I put him in his stroller and just walked around the pool because, he was just so hard to handle. Hoping next year he will enjoy it a little more, and make my life a little easier.
*last night on the sand, tuckered out with thomas, always checking something out on the beach
*selfies with mommy, baby boy is getting some serious teeth lately, love him
*touching the sand for the first time, literally fell asleep at the lunch table, loving the ocean on day 1
*Daddy and Willsy making a trail of sand castles, digging a giant hole because that's what you do, one of many fishes they caught together, matching shorts and toys..love my boys
All the pictures from this vacation were taken with my iphone because someone stole our camera one morning when Lew was fishing on the beach. We were totally shocked! It had two days worth of pictures on it that hadn't been downloaded yet...boo!
Tell next year, Ft. Myers!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Long Over Due...
This post and this trip were and are long over due. Does that make sense? Being able to go on a road trip with your sister and kids was something for the memory book. Being able to be on that road trip to Nebraska to visit my maternal grandparents, was simply amazing.
I have to get it all down before our next adventure, which is happening in just 3 days! We are headed to the beautiful, Ft. Myers Beach in Florida. So exited!
1.baby running main st 2. with the grandparents at the cheesecake factory, they were slightly overwhelmed 3. lilly taking baby eli for a ride on grandpa's 3 wheeler 4. baby eli sitting in grandma's chair/he was quite demanding of her attention when we were there, so sweet 5. grandma, jj and myself doing duck lips, too funny 6. lilly was in nebraska and iowa at the same time 7. grandma with baby eli 8. giving grandpa a smoochie...love him 9. will and lilly riding the 3 wheeler, it was pure entertainment for a good hour
1. will at the hotel taking a little swim 2. mommy on the 3 wheeler taking baby eli for a ride 3. swim suit is just a bit too big there eli, total water baby. don't look at my hair. total bed head friz mess! 4. baby model as we now like to call him. at the photo shoot in detroit for vw's summer catalog 4. lilly and will, up to no good 5. see...hours of entertainment on said 3 wheeler 6. will getting his modeling on 7. trying to control baby model 8. eli entertained by the $165 car...yeah i know, ridiculous!
One of my favorite pictures from the trip and of all time. I love seeing the kids in the back, the endless side walk, the yard that I played in many a times as a child, and sitting on the front steps where I am sure my mom had. So many memories there as a child, that are hard for me to remember without my older siblings. Truly blessed to have amazing, loving grandparents and wonderful siblings to share these memories with.

Hoping to be more present on here after we get back from Florida. With the move, spring break, and getting settled, it's been a challenge to get back in the groove.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Pre trip Pre easter Pre bloggy break
We have been on a bit of a break. Home schooling. Oh the joys... Moving. Unpacking. Many Target trips thrown in the mix for mindless things. Decorating. Making our new house, a home.
A fun day of crafting thrown in the mix, to put smiles on all of our faces.
There is nothing like your smiles. Will and Eli, you make my world so much brighter. Thank you for the giggles, the brotherly love, the hugs and smooches (from Will). And Eli, thank you for the warm, and sweet snuggles.
Big milestone happened today. We signed you up for Kindergarten today, Will. Didn't mean much to you, but my heart warmed and tears filled my eyes. You are amazing. You taught me how to be the mommy I am today. Thank you.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Best Surprise EVER!
Ok. So this past weekend was a kid's consignment sale that I have been looking forward to since we moved here. You know in the past that I have always gone to the one back home in Annapolis, which is huge and I absolutely love. (side note..I am totally bummed that I can't go to the one back home which is next weekend and there are over 600 consignors this year!)
Anyway..all week I was telling my sister about it because we consignment buddies. We love finding great quality clothes, at great prices for our kiddos. Fast forward to Friday and my day really was starting off awful, I was texting my sister and telling her about it and told her she should come here and go to the sale with me. She was in Detroit on a business trip and it would be so easy to do. She told me to come pick her up. I was like not with two little ones on short notice. She was like make sure you take pictures, so I can see your finds. And that was that.
Come lunch time, Lew texts me and asks me if I want to go out to dinner. Umm...yeah! I told him it could not have come at a better time, because my day wasn't going so well. He said, I have training tell 5 and then I will have to come home and switch cars because I have to go deliver something to a customer. Very believable because his car is too small for anything. So...he comes home gets the car and said he should be back in about an hour or so.
After about the second hour, I was kind of getting worried and called him to see where he was at. He said he was on his way back but was stuck in horrible traffic. Fast forward to almost 9pm...and believe me, I had been texting him for the last hour or so. I was beyond starving and starting to get cranky!
I told him once I heard the garage, I would come right out so we could at least go grab a bite to eat somewhere.
Garage door opens, and I see him walking towards me and I start going off on him about how long it took. When my sister pops out from around the corner and yells...SURPRISE! Holy cow was I surprised as ever.
I haven't seen her since Christmas so, it was an amazing surprise that Lew and her both pulled off. We went out and got Mexican food and had margaritas. It was awesome people.
I am still in shock, because my sister is not very spontaneous and changed her travel plans just to go to this consignment sale with me. Literally she was here for 24 hours. We had a great time at the sale and got some amazing finds.
The quality was definitely better than the sale back home, but they didn't have as much. My sister rocked and found a Burberry shirt for Eli for $10. Retails for $130! He will be sporting that this Easter.
It was sad to take her back to the airport but I will see her in two weeks. The boys and I are driving to Detroit to do a photo shoot for one of her marketing campaigns. Then we are on spring break and heading to Nebraska to visit my grandparents, who have never met the boys. So...so...excited.
Oh...and we are outta here, by here I mean the mil's on Wednesday! These next couple of weeks are going to be wonderful.
Not a big haul...but quality! Mini Boden, Gap, Janie and Jack, and Gymboree
Holding up our numbers with our game faces on! Ready to get some deals. I look so tired!
Happy week friends!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
It's Finally Happening...
After 4 long and I mean super long months, we have finally found a place to live! Over the moon excited cannot even express my joy and happiness! We are moving to a small little burb near the water, which we love. Good school district, a Target that is somewhat close, 8.3 miles to be exact. I'll take it! We get the keys this week and plan on moving small things in for the moment and then next week we will get everything out of storage.
I cannot wait to be in my own bed, see all my stuff, get the boys settled, and of course Will cannot wait to see all his toys. The boys are going to actually have a play area other than their room, which will be all sorts of amazing. I might not see Will for a whole day because he will be amongst all his books and things. Anxiety about being here, is slowly fading because we will be in our own place and space.
Unfortunately, the move is about 35 minutes from Will's school. So, this is his last week there. I never thought I would be doing this, but I am going to be home schooling him for the last two months of his preschool career. I have done a lot of research, by that I mean pinning amazing ideas from pinterest to do with Will. We will continue the writing and coloring daily, which he is starting to get into. But, I thought I would make it specialized to his interests. So..we will do a unit on dinosaurs, which I found some wonderful crafts on and marine life as well. And as far as the socialization goes we are going to enroll him in a couple classes through parks and recreation. Lew and I just felt that putting him into another school would be too much on him emotionally. I see trips into the city, visiting bloggy friends at museums, and lots of good things in store for us.
Today...we are getting lots of snow, I'm with my babies, Lew is going to come home early, and packing has begun. There is a lot to be grateful for.
baby toes
warm fuzzy hats and an awesome sweater from their favorite auntie
a giant snowman that you can climb on
sledding on a 99cent saucer sled courtesy of our old target then warming up with hot cocoa, check mix and some vintage game boy
snuggling with our stuffed dog lew, named after daddy
brotherly love that really is lovely
snow angel and snowmen with awesome daddy
watching the snow and the plow truck....
Monday, February 25, 2013
bits and pieces...
- Will is two stickers away from getting a prize out of the treasure box at school. to say the least, he is over the moon excited. It took him a while to understand why his friends were getting stuff. Having to explain waiting and patience to a 5 year old is somewhat impossible.
- Eli got his third hair cut. His hair grows so fast, exactly like his name sake, my pape. We are keeping it somewhat long because, he just has the most beautiful hair!
- Will got a big boy bike and decided he wanted to try it without training wheels, in the rain. Umm...let's say we didn't get far. I was running around holding the back of the seat and trying to keep him balanced. Brings me back to when I first learned. My brother taught me. He was so proud, that he had me do a grand entrance onto our street past our house. My mom, pape, sisters and of course my brother were watching me zoom, wobbly down the street with the look of determination. From there on out, they all called me the wicked witch because of that look on my face, slightly hunched over my bike....I can totally hear that Wizard of Oz song in my head now. It's quite amazing what things we choose to remember, I guess the smile on my family's faces said it all.
- Eli knows three words. Well one, since the the pediatrician said mom and dad don't count...what? His third word, Einstein. As in Baby Einstein. I know! Not Willsy, not milk, not drink, not bye bye. Einstein. My sister said, he just knows what he likes. When he's an adult, I am sure he will get a kick out of it.
- Less pressure=a Willsy that is actually wanting to learn. We are finding creative ways to spark his interest in letters and numbers. It definitely seems to be helping. As far as the coloring and drawing goes....I have bought a ton of coloring books that he liked and he is actually sitting down for longer than 5 minutes. I have to tell myself, boys are just different.
- As soon as we get into the grocery store, Eli expects to have his bagel. I might have created a bad habit, but he is so good throughout the grocery shop! He usually will just kind of chew on it but, it's his special little treat. He actually whines if I don't head to the bakery first! A boy who knows what he wants.
- Will and I took a yoga class about a month ago. He didn't really get into it, but it got me thinking how I needed some zen in my life. So...I took up hot yoga, also known as Bikram. Only two classes in, but there is something kind of amazingly addicting about it. Yes. It's hot. About 110 degrees hot. But, in the first 5 minutes your body acclimates to it. I have never had this much stretching and lengthening in my fitness career. They say you burn about 500-1000 calories, which I can totally believe. It has tons of health benefits, supporting the immune system, clearing sinuses, helping with allergies and your metabolism. You come out of there feeling like you just went through a cleanse, its amazing. Kind of wish I had someone to go with me, but its nice to have my own time too.
- Snow. It's coming. Looks like on and off for three days. I love it, but I don't love driving in it. They don't cancel school unless there is like a foot or more on the ground. Kind of hoping there is a foot or more.
Good night friends...Namaste. (the zen in me had to come out)
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
a good day...
There is something good in every day. Sometimes we just don't see it. We might be having a bad day. Your mil driving you bonkers..that's ok. Because there is something good in every day. We just have to open our hearts to it. When I am sad or unhappy, I just think about how lucky I am to spend every day with my babies. Money might be tight, but at least I am raising my babies. When the thought of me getting a full time job here was looming, I just couldn't even bring myself to look at daycares. One, they are expensive and half of my pay would be going to someone else, raising my children. Second, someone else would be raising my children. I want to be able to give them what I had. A mom that worked part time, but was also home with them, like my mom was. So...that is what we are trying to do.
One day at a time. Even the bad days have something good in them, we just have to look deep inside sometimes. Mine are my precious babies. They are the cherry on top!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Will did amazing at his screening today! The staff was wonderful and very attentive towards Will and felt, the impact of our move during the school year might be prompting some of his sensitivity.
As far as his fine motor skills, he is only slightly behind and they reassured me that most boys are. They gave me some awesome tips to help him and felt he was totally on track other wise. They also said he makes beautiful sentences and uses extremely large words for a 5 year old. Cue smiling mama here. For a special treat we took him to target for a special little treat.
It's a great day here. And now the pit in my stomach can go away!!
Happy day and weekend friends.
As far as his fine motor skills, he is only slightly behind and they reassured me that most boys are. They gave me some awesome tips to help him and felt he was totally on track other wise. They also said he makes beautiful sentences and uses extremely large words for a 5 year old. Cue smiling mama here. For a special treat we took him to target for a special little treat.
It's a great day here. And now the pit in my stomach can go away!!
Happy day and weekend friends.
Date Night...Long overdue!
Lew and I unfortunately do not get out much for movies like we used to. Before the boys, we were at the movies every week. I guess you could totally call us "movie buffs". We love pretty much any genre, but especially like the comedies.
So when I was able to work with My Blog Spark and General Mills, and get free movie tickets, I totally jumped at the chance. A night out after the last couple of crazy months is definitely in order.
I lovingly/conned Lew into seeing Safe Haven, the new Nicholas Sparks flick on Valentine's day. HA! It was so packed and crazy with teenage girls, I was almost wondering what I got myself into. Kicking our seats and tweeting to their bff's pictures of themselves seeing the movie. Kind of hilarious and it made me wonder if we had all that social media when I was a teenager, would I have done the same thing? Probably!
Anyway, the movie was amazing! After all, who doesn't love a chick flick. Plus, the compared it to having the same kind of passion as The Notebook. I didn't think it quite lived up to that status, because in my book, Ryan Gosling is a lot cuter than Josh Duhmal. The storyline was similar to the book and was believable. I will definitely watch this movie again with my sister. She and I love all the mushy-ness and I know she probably won't go to the theater to see it.
How did Lew do? Well, he enjoyed it. Surprisingly! He even laughed at a couple of the parts. So, it definitely was a win win for the both of us. I got to see a movie I wanted and we both got a night out together, thanks to our emovie tickets, General Mills and My Blog Spark.
Was hoping to get some pictures of me and hubs, with our night at the movies, but my phone was dead. Lew's blackberry doesn't take the best photos, so we will just have to remember the great time out!
Thanks to General Mills and My Blog Spark.
General Mills provided me with a free product, information and gift pack through MyBlogSpark. No other compensation was given.
So when I was able to work with My Blog Spark and General Mills, and get free movie tickets, I totally jumped at the chance. A night out after the last couple of crazy months is definitely in order.
I lovingly/conned Lew into seeing Safe Haven, the new Nicholas Sparks flick on Valentine's day. HA! It was so packed and crazy with teenage girls, I was almost wondering what I got myself into. Kicking our seats and tweeting to their bff's pictures of themselves seeing the movie. Kind of hilarious and it made me wonder if we had all that social media when I was a teenager, would I have done the same thing? Probably!
Anyway, the movie was amazing! After all, who doesn't love a chick flick. Plus, the compared it to having the same kind of passion as The Notebook. I didn't think it quite lived up to that status, because in my book, Ryan Gosling is a lot cuter than Josh Duhmal. The storyline was similar to the book and was believable. I will definitely watch this movie again with my sister. She and I love all the mushy-ness and I know she probably won't go to the theater to see it.
How did Lew do? Well, he enjoyed it. Surprisingly! He even laughed at a couple of the parts. So, it definitely was a win win for the both of us. I got to see a movie I wanted and we both got a night out together, thanks to our emovie tickets, General Mills and My Blog Spark.
Was hoping to get some pictures of me and hubs, with our night at the movies, but my phone was dead. Lew's blackberry doesn't take the best photos, so we will just have to remember the great time out!
Thanks to General Mills and My Blog Spark.
General Mills provided me with a free product, information and gift pack through MyBlogSpark. No other compensation was given.
Monday, February 11, 2013
To Will...
I am feeling kind of deflated today. Two weeks ago your teacher said you were doing great. That all of our practicing of letters and numbers seemed to be helping.
When I picked you up today and noticed there wasn't a practiced writing sheet in your box, I knew something was up. It seems you are not grasping the fine motor skills. That you are not emotionally where the rest of your peers are. I have always known that you are super sensitive. Your feelings get hurt easily, because you care so deeply.
Your teacher had been spending extra time with you, but she said you get too upset when you have to leave your friends and practice. She doesn't want you to be upset with her. Now you are going to get evaluated by the school district. I have to say, I am so glad you don't know what's going on. Because, Willsy I am hurting a million times over for the both of us. You are so amazingly special, and so smart! You have an engineering mind, so imaginative, and your memory is outstanding. Right now I can't help but think your teacher has looked over how incredible you are. Because you are amazing.
I am just curious as to why your preschool in MD never said any of this. You were a social butterfly there, loved school and never wanted to leave. I'm not sure if the school was academically behind, I just don't know. I keep questioning myself. But, I have always had your best interests at heart. You are my everything.
Just know this. What ever happens, we will work through it together.
I am your biggest advocate, your fighter, your mama bear, and I love you mta.
When I picked you up today and noticed there wasn't a practiced writing sheet in your box, I knew something was up. It seems you are not grasping the fine motor skills. That you are not emotionally where the rest of your peers are. I have always known that you are super sensitive. Your feelings get hurt easily, because you care so deeply.
Your teacher had been spending extra time with you, but she said you get too upset when you have to leave your friends and practice. She doesn't want you to be upset with her. Now you are going to get evaluated by the school district. I have to say, I am so glad you don't know what's going on. Because, Willsy I am hurting a million times over for the both of us. You are so amazingly special, and so smart! You have an engineering mind, so imaginative, and your memory is outstanding. Right now I can't help but think your teacher has looked over how incredible you are. Because you are amazing.
I am just curious as to why your preschool in MD never said any of this. You were a social butterfly there, loved school and never wanted to leave. I'm not sure if the school was academically behind, I just don't know. I keep questioning myself. But, I have always had your best interests at heart. You are my everything.
Just know this. What ever happens, we will work through it together.
I am your biggest advocate, your fighter, your mama bear, and I love you mta.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Valentine craft...
So... I need your help! Do we think this valentine hat is ok for a pre k craft? Since I am nominated to do something with will's class, I thought this would be cool. I will have the hat cut out and then they get to embellish it how they want. What do you think? Good/bad idea?
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
bit and pieces...
- The babies and I are sick. Boo! Will has had this lingering cold for 3 weeks. We have been to the doctor twice and so far no real infections. Just a wicked bad cold. To say I am over it, well that would be an understatement. I hate when my boys are feeling cruddy and when mommy has it too, it's no fun around these parts.
- Just found out that if I were to put Will into full day Kindergarten in September, there is a fee per month. What?! I have never heard that. We also live in an area where the taxes are so high because it goes straight to the school. Which is awesome! But, why am I going to shell out more money for full day? Back home it was full day and there were no extra fees. It also depends on what district we are in. We are thinking about moving a little further out, so we can stretch our dollar. I guess once we cross that bridge we will decide. Obviously, I want what is best for my little man, but having to pay extra for public school seems outrageous to me.
- Since we have moved here, almost 3 months ago, Eli has grown 3 inches and gained 3lbs. I think someone likes Chicago! Will has stayed the same. He remains my little bean pole. But, the doctor says he is completely normal on the charts. In fact, both of my boys are off the charts on height! I think by the time they hit 5th grade they will be taller than me.
- So...Job 1 never got back to me after my awesome phone interview. I think it was partly because I was up in the air with them about, who is going to watch my babies. It might be for the best as it was going to be 40 hours a week and I am just not sure, I could leave them with some stranger. On another note, I have been playing email/phone tag with a Personal Training studio. I am hoping to be able to meet him within the next week. And totally random, I decided to send in all my wonderful baking creations, to this bakery that needed an intern. Totally out there, I know. But, I so love baking and the world of pastry. Anyway, I have an interview with her on Saturday. Who knows, maybe I could swing both. I kind of always felt my real passion was for baking, but was never able to pursue it fully. Wish me luck!
- Living with the mil. Well. Let's just say, it totally has it's ups and downs. She has a lot of issues in her life going on right now, with her youngest daughter and she is just not coping with it too well. I try and cheer her up, or do little things for her. But, frankly it doesn't seem to help. And that is why, I need a job asap. Need to move.
- I have been a reading machine this month. I am hoping to keep a running tally of all the books that I read this year. So far I have read, Light on Snow. Really good! Harvesting the Heart, totally addicting. And if you have read it, we totally need to discuss the ending. I can't remember the other three I have read this month, and am feeling totally lazy right now to go upstairs and check.
- Here is where I need your help. I have been voted to do the Valentine's craft for Will's class. I need help! Pinterest has been somewhat helpful but I haven't found anything I love. Do you have any ideas? I was thinking of heart shape masks that they could decorate. Put a heart on a stick and let them have at it with the decorating and then cut the eyes and mouth out. Any ideas?
Friday, January 25, 2013
The Big 5!
My Sweet Little Man Willsy,
You are 5! I started this little blog when you were just a couple months old, to pass time. Now it has become my book of memories for you and your brother.
I want you to know how amazingly special you are. Your smile lights up a room, and you still are the little comedian around here. I think you take after Daddy.
You still have some "baby" moments, but mostly you are a big boy now. You love to snuggle a lot, and you love to give smoochies and hugs. You are super sensitive, which we are working on. You worry about others and really care if they are ok. When I tell you my knee hurts, you will say, I will rub it and make it feel better mom. Followed with a hug of course.
You are definitely starting to get into this big brother role. The other day you got Eli a sippy cup of water all by yourself and then decided he needed some animal crackers with it. You told me that this Daddy job was easy. HA! Again, you are a comedian!
You absolutely love the snow and sledding. Kind of wish we would have had a little more since we moved to the windy city. But, we have all the time in the world, right? You don't care if it's cold, you just want to be out there playing in it.
I know some days might be rough little man. Like wishing you were back in "Merry"land. In your house, with all your toys. At your old school. This I promise to you, we will make it here. It will take time. Friends will come, a new house, a new room just for you.
My sweet first baby, I love you more than these precious words, and always more than air.
Happy 5th Birthday my love...only two days late this time. What a great day it was!
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