I hate to say it but I am not into these gimmicky(if that is even a word) kinda stores. The ones that cater to kids and suck you of all your money. I have gotten most of Will's shoes from the Gap or from where we get our running shoes.
I unfortunately had to be a Stride Rite kid as I had some messed up knees and I wore those goofy black and white saddle shoes for years. It was awful.
Anyway. So I gave in and the next day we went to Stride Rite. It was buy one get one half off. SCORE! The place was packed and you could barely even breathe in there! But I ended up getting this shoe and some sandals. We did not try them on there because it was so packed. We just had his foot measured and I picked what I liked.

So. Stride Rite. I will stop putting that label on you and Bubsy will be wearing your shoes from now on. Thanks a heap!
I've never been there but I will admit I have always felt the same way. I just didn't see it necessary to shop there. Maybe I'll check it out sometime :)
I always get Ryan's shoes from Target but maybe I should check this place out. I don't mind paying more for something that will actually benefit him : )
Hey ... I had my daughter wearing size 4 soccer cleats .... when we went for new ones she measured a size 51/2 OOPPSSEEEE.
I never go there either, because I thought they just sold overpriced crap. Maybe I should reconsider???
Good for you and Bubsy! With girl shoes, it's either hit or miss. Sometimes their colors and designs are a bit over the top.
My middle daughter had such fat feet when she was a toddler we had to go there because they were the only place in town that sold the EXTRA-wide shoes. Hehehehe Thank goodness her feet have thinned out enough we don't have to go there anymore. I don't think I could afford to put six feet into their shoes!
I always (anal I know) buy better shoes for my daughter. It is my own issue... but I do think it helps! Glad he is running again.
Don't you wish we could get a pair of Jimmy Choo's for the price of his shoes? Probably not even used used used on ebay.
awww yay Will!! So glad you found a shoe that works well for him! You know I love a good deal.. and will get things 2nd hand if possible. However, my family has bad feet and I never want to compromise Sammy's. I love stride-rites from the beginning. You can also get some great deals on them online, at the outlets, etc. So glad you gave them a shot and they worked!!
That is great news. We wore lots of Stride Ride in the earliest years, they are great!
Yay for great shoes!
And darn PMS always makes me cry at the craziest times, lol!
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